Resuming sex after baby birth: What to expect?


New mothers should listen to their bodies and allow themselves time to heal before resuming sexual activity. It is typically recommended to wait until the postpartum bleeding has stopped and the doctor gives the go-ahead, which can be around 6 weeks after delivery. It's also important to communicate with your partner about any discomfort or concerns and to use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Most importantly, a new mother should prioritize her own physical and emotional well-being and make decisions that are best for her and her health.


Here’s what the experts says​

After giving birth, it's normal for a woman to experience vaginal soreness, bleeding, and fatigue. This can make sexual activity uncomfortable or unappealing. It's important to wait until the bleeding, known as postpartum bleeding or lochia, has stopped before having sexual intercourse. This typically takes 4-6 weeks but may take longer for some women

. It's also important to take into account other factors, such as any physical complications from delivery, the healing of episiotomy or c-sectionincisions, and any emotional changes related to the new role as a mother. It's important to listen to your body and not feel pressured to resume sexual activity before you are ready. It's also important to discuss any concerns or discomfort with your healthcare provider and partner. Communication is key to ensuring a positive and comfortable sexual experience after childbirth.


​Emotional health also matters in intimacy​

It's also common for new mothers to experience hormonal changes that can affect their libido and physical sensations during sex. These changes are normal and usually temporary, but it's important for partners to be patient and understanding. New mothers should not feel pressured to resume sexual activity before they feel emotionally and physically ready.

Additionally, it's important for new mothers to take care of their mental health and address any postpartum mood disorders, such as postpartum depression, before resuming sexual activity. It may also be helpful to seek counseling or therapy to work through any emotional challenges related to the transition to motherhood.

Ultimately, the decision to resume sexual activity after childbirth is a personal one and should be made based on the mother's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Communication between partners and with healthcare providers can help ensure a positive and comfortable experience.


Breastfeeding may impact libido

Breastfeeding can affect a woman's hormones and libidoand sexual function in some women. Hormonal changes during breastfeeding can affect a woman's libido and sexual sensations. Additionally, the physical demands of breastfeeding and caring for a new baby can result in fatigue and decreased energy levels, making sex less appealing.

However, it's important to note that every woman's experience is unique, and some women may not experience any changes in libido or sexual function while breastfeeding. Additionally, for some women, breastfeeding can have a positive impact on their sexual experience, leading to increased arousal and sensitivity.

It's important for women who are breastfeeding to discuss any concerns or questions with their healthcare provider and to make decisions that are best for their own health and well-being. Communication with partners can also help ensure a positive and comfortable sexual experience during this time.


Here’s how to initiate sex after childbirth

Initiating sex after childbirth can be a sensitive and emotional process for many new mothers. Here are some tips that may help:

  1. Wait until you are physically ready: It's important to wait until your body has fully healed after delivery before having sex. This typically takes 4-6 weeks, but may take longer for some women. It's important to listen to your body and not feel pressured to resume sexual activity before you are ready.
  2. Communicate with your partner: Open and honest communication with your partner can help ensure a positive and comfortable sexual experience after childbirth. Share your feelings, concerns, and expectations with each other.
  3. Start slowly: Gradually reintroducing physical intimacy can help ease the transition back to sexual activity. This can include non-sexual forms of physical affection, such as cuddling or massages, and can help build intimacy and trust.
  4. Use birth control: It's important to use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy, even if you are breastfeeding. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best birth control options for you.
  5. Take care of yourself: Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being can help improve your sexual experience after childbirth. This can include getting enough rest, exercise, and self-care.

Remember, every woman's experience is unique, and there is no right or wrong way to initiate sex after childbirth. It's important to prioritize your own health and well-being and make decisions that are best for you and your relationship.


In summary, resuming sex after delivery can be a sensitive topic for new mothersand to take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Gradually reintroducing physical intimacy and taking things slowly can help ease the transition back to sexual activity. Communication and open dialogue with your partner and healthcare provider can help ensure a positive and comfortable experience. Ultimately, the decision to resume sexual activity after childbirth is a personal one and should be made based on what is best for you and your health.

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